A man stares in bewilderment while holding a credit card. He's probably looking at a shipment invoice. All of this could have been avoided if he'd just read (or listened) to this blog post.

E-Commerce Customs Duty: 5 Things to Check Befo...

When your "great deal" turns into an expensive lesson in international trade law   You thought you were clever, didn't you? Snagging that sweet deal on exotic widgets from abroad,...

E-Commerce Customs Duty: 5 Things to Check Befo...

When your "great deal" turns into an expensive lesson in international trade law   You thought you were clever, didn't you? Snagging that sweet deal on exotic widgets from abroad,...

A pirate's treasure map, with a compass sitting on top of it. There's a big red "x" marked on the map. Since this is a blog post about HS codes, that's most likely where the answer is located, in all the fluff.

What are HS Codes? The Secret Language of Globa...

In the ever expanding world of global trade, where your new phone case might travel farther than you ever will (especially in this economy *badum,tssss*), there’s a secret code keeping...

What are HS Codes? The Secret Language of Globa...

In the ever expanding world of global trade, where your new phone case might travel farther than you ever will (especially in this economy *badum,tssss*), there’s a secret code keeping...

Colorful (mostly blue and purple) Konpeito candy! These star-shaped Japanese candies are pretty much just 100% sugar. That doesn't stop them from being good tho.

5 Tips For Making Your Own Japanese Snack Subsc...

  Your future snack box dreams, or a kawaii sugary-fueled nightmare? Probably a bit of both.   So, you’ve been bitten by the Japanese snack bug (hopefully not the poisonous...

5 Tips For Making Your Own Japanese Snack Subsc...

  Your future snack box dreams, or a kawaii sugary-fueled nightmare? Probably a bit of both.   So, you’ve been bitten by the Japanese snack bug (hopefully not the poisonous...

A sign like that kind you would see (sorry, is that insensitive? Would "find" be the better word here?) in front of a rollercoaster. It says "You Must Be This Tall To Ride"

Understanding De Minimis So You Can Get Da Maximus

  Ignore the sign. You must be this SMALL to ride.   When it comes to international shipping, "De Minimis" isn't a spell from Harry Potter (don't sue us for...

Understanding De Minimis So You Can Get Da Maximus

  Ignore the sign. You must be this SMALL to ride.   When it comes to international shipping, "De Minimis" isn't a spell from Harry Potter (don't sue us for...

A gray cat with orange eyes has a surprised look on its face as it stares off screen. It's probably looking at a bug. Or a mirror. Who even knows, when it comes to cats.

The 3 Easiest International E-Commerce Shipping...

Shipping internationally can make you feel like pulling your hair out because of the complexity of it all... but you don't have to do that, not if you've got a...

The 3 Easiest International E-Commerce Shipping...

Shipping internationally can make you feel like pulling your hair out because of the complexity of it all... but you don't have to do that, not if you've got a...

This is an image of a rusty-looking ship that has been half-tipped over and is dead in the water. Seems like the kind of place ghost pirates would love to inhabit.

5 Customer Service Fails That Can Sink Your E-C...

Customer service can be the difference between a loyal customer and a nasty review, and when things go awry, customer service can quickly become the iceberg that sends your business...

5 Customer Service Fails That Can Sink Your E-C...

Customer service can be the difference between a loyal customer and a nasty review, and when things go awry, customer service can quickly become the iceberg that sends your business...