What are HS Codes? The Secret Language of Global Trade Decoded

A pirate's treasure map, with a compass sitting on top of it. There's a big red "x" marked on the map. Since this is a blog post about HS codes, that's most likely where the answer is located, in all the fluff.

Finding the right HS code is like hunting for buried treasure—except the 'X' keeps moving, and the treasure is just more paperwork.


In the ever expanding world of global trade, where your new phone case might travel farther than you ever will (especially in this economy *badum,tssss*), there’s a secret code keeping things in order—HS codes. And no, it’s not short for “Highly Suspicious,” though your shipments might seem that way if you don't use HS codes. HS codes are like the secret handshake of international shipping, and knowing them is the key to making sure your goods don’t end up in customs purgatory (which happens to be the exact same purgatory detailed in the hit story: The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, best selling novel of 1321.)


A System in Harmony


Customs officers aren't fans of the movie Seven. They don't like having to guess what’s in the box.


The Harmonized System is like the Dewey Decimal System for global trade (bet you haven't heard that name in a long time... weren't expecting to take a fat rip of nostalgia while reading this blog post, were you?), but instead of organizing books, it organizes everything else—from apples to zippers.

Developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO), this international nomenclature is used by over 200 countries and economies as a basis for their customs tariffs, gathering international trade statistics, and deciding if your shipment of "rubber ducks" is actually "child's play" or a "super serious import business."


How HS Codes Work


It's not that kind of code. But it feels like that kind of code.


An HS code is a six-digit number that categorizes a product for customs purposes. It’s like a secret code, except it's waaaaay less cool and also everyone in global trade knows it (or should).

The first two digits represent the product’s chapter, which broadly defines the category, like ‘03’ for fish and crustaceans (sorry seafood lovers, but carcinisation was going to make them all the same thing in a few million years, anyway). The next two digits are the heading, giving a bit more detail, like ‘0306’ for crustaceans. The final two digits, the subheading, go even further, specifying things like whether the crustaceans are “frozen” or “live.”

For example, if you’re importing live lobsters, you’d use the HS code ‘030631’. Now, every customs official from Tokyo to Timbuktu will know what’s in that box and why, after a few hours basking in the sun, it's starting to smell so delicious.


Why You Should Care About HS Codes – Spoiler: Your Wallet


This is what happens when you don't use HS codes! Your products get hit... with extra fees.


Here’s where it gets interesting (or nerve-wracking, depending on your perspective): the HS code you assign to your product affects the duties and taxes you’ll pay. Misclassify your goods, and you might be in for a world of hurt --think delays, fines, or your goods being stuck in customs. And no one likes playing the “guess what’s in the box” game with annoyed customs officers.

For e-commerce businesses, especially those just getting into international shipping, understanding HS codes is crucial. They ensure that your products move smoothly across borders without unexpected costs. Think of HS codes as the passport for your products, and without the right one, your goods might end up in customs purgatory.


How to Find the Right HS Code – The Shortcut to Success


For ease of access, consider having HS codes physically imprinted into the meat of your brain.


Trying to find the right HS code for your products used to feel a lot like beating yourself to death with a rubber mallet. Nowadays, it doesn’t have to be that hard. Many countries offer online tools where you can search for your product and find the corresponding HS code... but you can also just use an AI tool like ChatGPT or Perplexity. If you’re REALLY not sure, consult a customs broker or your friendly local 3PL (third-party logistics) provider... like us! We deal with this stuff all day and require everyone in our team to have the full range of possible HS codes tattooed across their body. Help us break the cycle of abuse by putting our knowledge to use!




When you HS codes correctly, you'll notice that everywhere you go, folks will look at you like this. It may seem nice at first, but quickly becomes an unending nightmare as every human interaction is reduced to a series of smiling, mocking faces.


Navigating the world of HS codes can be daunting, but it’s essential for smooth international trade. Get it right, and your products flow seamlessly to your customers around the world. Get it wrong, and you might find yourself knee-deep in customs paperwork. Thankfully, these days there are a lot of tools available that can help you figure out your products' HS codes. Don't stress, you got this.



Here's the part where talk about how wonderful our 3PL and fulfillment services are. We'll keep it short ;). With Mix-Mix Mail, your products are in good hands, whether they’re headed to Tokyo, Los Angeles, or anywhere in between. We’ve got the experience, the know-how, and the tools to make sure your shipments arrive on time, every time—HS codes and all.

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