5 Customer Service Fails That Can Sink Your E-Commerce Store

This is an image of a rusty-looking ship that has been half-tipped over and is dead in the water. Seems like the kind of place ghost pirates would love to inhabit.

This is what bad customer service looks like. It looks like tetanus.


Good customer service stands between smooth sailing and a scene straight out of Titanic (you know the one we're talking about... the old lady drops a priceless heirloom that her kids we're going to inherit into the ocean because she's spent the last 45 years thinking about the guy she bonked for a weekend).

Customer service can be the difference between a loyal customer and a nasty review, and when things go awry, customer service can quickly become the iceberg that sends your business to the ocean floor. Here are 5 colossal customer service fails that can turn your thriving e-commerce store into a sinking wreck.


1. Ignoring Customer Complaints

Ever tried screaming into the void? Of course you have (fun fact: NOT screaming into the void is considered rude in some cultures). That's exactly what it feels like when customers contact your support team and get crickets in response. Ignored complaints can quickly escalate from a minor inconvenience to full-scale rebellion on social media. And if you know anything about the history of imperial China, you DO NOT WANT REBELLION.

Remember, unhappy customers tend to have loud megaphones.


Unhappy customers also tend to have the internet, which they use to blast you when they're unhappy.


2. Long Response Times

In the age of instant gratification, making customers wait for a response is a really good strategy... for driving them into the welcome arms of your competitors. If your customer service is slower than dial-up internet (does anyone else remember dial-up internet? Was it all just a dream, papa?), expect to see those precious sales figures drop faster than that ugly baby someone handed you one time. In general, you don't want to leave a response unanswered for longer than 2 days.


"Sometimes, when I'm alone, I like to cover myself in vaseline and pretend I'm a bad customer support agent."


3. Unhelpful or Rude Support

Having a bad day? Fine. Taking it out on your customers? Ruh roh, not fine. Unhelpful or rude support staff can turn a slightly miffed customer into a furious nemesis, hell-bent on the destruction of everything you hold dear and the total desecration of your family legacy.

As much as it sucks, even if customers don't treat you like a real person, make sure you interact with them like they're your best friend. Minus the butt stuff. Don't do that butt stuff with your customers (you know what we're talking about).


After a long day of customer service, unload pent up stress by pretending your teddy bear is your psychologist!


4. Lack of Multichannel Support

Customers today want to reach you on THEIR terms, whether that's through email, phone, social media, or carrier pigeon (we're kidding of course: customers EXCLUSIVELY prefer to use carrier pigeon). Limiting your support to just one or two channels can frustrate customers who prefer other methods of communication. Be everywhere your customers are!


Of course, this doesn't apply when your customers' prefer to communicate via rabid dog.


5. No Follow-Up

Great, you've fixed the problem! But if you don't check in afterward, it's like fixing a leaky faucet and not bothering to see if it's still dripping. Customers generally want to feel like more than just 'an obstacle between you and their sweet-smelling cash', and a good way to give them that feeling is by following-up after support.

A quick follow-up message shows you care about their satisfaction and can turn a one-time buyer into a loyal fan. Seriously, this only adds a minute or two to your support process, but it makes a HUGE difference.


Despite having lost his home, wife, and children to the flood, the man saw that the support request on his internet order had been followed-up. He smiled to himself, and there was a warm, fuzzy feeling in his heart.



At Mix-Mix Mail, we know that customer service stands between smooth sailing and your e-commerce store sinking faster than the Titanic (minus the 'Jack could have fit on the door too' debate). Our services are here to handle your order fulfillment, so you can focus on other important things: like making sure your customers love your customer service! Check out our Membership plans for more info!
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